
Affinity MAP Policy

MAP - Minimum Advertised Price

At Affinity we pride ourselves on our strong brand image. This image is what helps to sell our products, when this happens we all benefit. Perceived value is important and is controlled by many levers, one of which is pricing. Below you will find our MAP pricing or each product. Failure to comply with MAP Pricing will lead to review of accounts. Repeated abuse WILL lead to termination of dealer account. 

Classics XL T Bars

Standard Colorways: $89.99USD

Heat Finished Colorway: $104.99USD 

Classic V Bar 

Standard Colorways: $99.99USD

Classic Y Bar 

Standard Colorways: $119.99USD

Affinity Replica T Tool

Replica Tool: $22.50USD


Sales and Promotional Periods:

Any American Patriotic Holidays(July 4th, Memorial Day, Presidents Day, etc) as well as the Christmas Season Nov 15th - Jan 15th, we will allow public discounts of up to 15% on our products. 

Our policy is aimed at keep perceived value high for the Affinity brand,. We appreciate your willingness to comply and work with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Chris at